Invited Talks of Group Members

  • "Sustainability of e-Infrastructures," Jörn Altmann, presentation at EU-South-Korea Summit on ICT Cooperation, Brussels, Belgium, December 2008
  • "International Developments in the Context of Billing," Jörn Altmann, presentation at session: “Accounting and Billing of Grid Computing” at the German e-Science Conference GES2007, Baden-Baden, Germany, May 2007.

  • "1st Challengers Workshop on Business and Improvement of Life Foresight," Jörn Altmann, Barcelona, 05/23/07 – 05/24/07.

  • "GridEcon, Grid Economics and Business Models," Jörn Altmann, Colloquium at International University in Germany, 27 February 2007.

  • "SPDS Integrated Design and Process Technology Conference," Jörn Altmann, Co-Vice Program Chair, IDPT2006, San Diego, USA, June 2006.

  • "GridEcon: Economic Models for Grid Computing," Jörn Altmann, 9th HLRS Metacomputing and Grid Workshop, Stuttgart, 07/26/06-07/28/06, Grid Computing Workshop.

  • "A Social Network Application for the Grid," Jörn Altmann, Colloquium at Hagen, 08/13/06.

  • "GridEcon," Jörn Altmann, Session on Bringing Grids to Business, Industry and Society, European Grid Technology Days, Brussels, Belgium, 09/19/06.

  • "GridEcon: Analyse von Geschäftsmodellen für das Grid" ("GridEcon: Analysis of Business Models for the Grid"), Jörn Altmann, DGI-Workshop "Nachhaltigkeit im D-Grid" ("Sustainablitily in the D-Grid"), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2006.

  • "A Social Network Enabled Collaborative Infrastructure," Jörn Altmann, talk at eChallenges, Barcelona, 10/25/06-10/27/06.

  • "GridEcon: Business Models for the Grid," Jörn Altmann, The 3rd Grid@Asia, GFK 2006 International Joint Workshop, Seoul, South-Korea, December 2006.

  • "Economically Efficient Capacity Planning For Grid Computing," Jörn Altmann, INFORMS 2006, Pittsburgh, USA, November 2006.

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