2024 |
Soroush Safarzadeha, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Ilkyeong Moon, Jörn Altmann, “A Game Theoretic Approach for Tradable White Certificates Regarding Energy Rebound, Efficiency Improvement, and Government Intervention," Environment, Development and Sustainability, May 2024.
Mohammad-Ali Eghbali, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Jörn Altmann, “An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach to Analysis the Green Innovation Chain Dynamics under Government Policies," Technology in Society, April 2024.
Tamas Kiss, Amjad Ullah, Gabor Terstyanszky, Odej Kao, Soren Becker, Yiannis Verginadis, Antonis Michalas, Vlado Stankovski, Attila Kertesz, Elisa Ricci, Jörn Altmann, Bernhard Egger, Francesco Tusa, Jozsef Kovacs, Robert Lovas, "Swarmchestrate: Towards a Fully Decentralised Framework for Orchestrating Applications in the Cloud-to-Edge Continuum," AINA 2024-38th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2024.
Books Published as Editor
N.N. “Economics of Grids, Clouds,
Systems, and Services,” 20th International Conference, GECON 2024,
September 26-27, 2024, Rome, Italy, Proceedings, LNCS,
Springer International Publishing.
2023 |
Kang, Jörn Altmann, Gangmin Park, “Empirical Analysis of the Effect of
an Evidence-based Policy for a Wicked Problem – Lessons Learned from the
South Korean Industry Policy History for the Structural Reform of
Subcontracting Practice in the Software Industry,“ Journal of Knowledge
Economy, November 2023.
Jamali, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Jörn Altmann, “An Evolutionary
Game-Theoretic Approach for Investigating the Long-Term Behavior of the
Industry Sector for Purchasing Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy: A
Case Study of Iran,“ Energy, October 2023.
Jamali, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Jörn Altmann, “A Game-Theoretic Approach
for Investigating the Competition between Energy Producers under the
Energy Resilience Index: A Case Study of Iran,“ Sustainable Cities and
Society 95, 104598, August 2023.
Zarei, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Jörn Altmann, Bernhard Egger,
“Cooperation Coordination or Collaboration? A Structured Review of
Buyers Partnerships to Support Responsible Sourcing in Supply Chains,“
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30, 76491–76514, June 2023.
Mohammed Mubarkoot, Jörn Altmann, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Bernhard Egger, Hyejin Lee, “Software
Compliance Requirements, Factors, and Policies: a Systematic Literature
Review,“ Computers & Security, 2022.
2022 |
Rasti-Barzoki, Hamed Rajabzadeh, Jörn Altmann, “A Game-Theoretic
Approach for Pricing in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Considering Product
Exchange Program and a Full-Refund Return Policy: A Case Study of Iran,“
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022.
Jamali, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Hossein Khosroshahi, Jörn Altmann, “An
Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach to Study the Technological
Transformation of the Industrial Sector Toward Renewable Electricity
Procurement: A Case Study of Iran,“ Applied Energy 318, 119083, 2022.
- Kibae
Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Platform Provider Roles in Innovation in Software
Service Ecosystems,“ IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,
https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2019.2949023, 2022.
Gebrealif, Jörn Altmann, “Effect of Trust and Institutional Quality on
Cloud Federation Formation Using Agent-Based Modeling,” In: GECON 2022,
19th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems,
and Services, LNCS , pp. , Springer, September 2022.
Mohammad Alaei, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Jörn Altmann, Bernhard Egger, “A
Game-Theoretic Approach for Pricing, Determining Virtual Reality and
Cybersecurity Investment in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain in the Presence
of Webrooming Behavior and Return Policy” In: GECON 2022, 19th
International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and
Services, LNCS , pp. , Springer, September 2022.
- Jörn
Altmann, Bernhard Egger, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, “A Game-Theoretic
Approach for Pricing and Determining Quality Levels of Solution and
Information Providers’ Products Under an Exogenous Information-sharing
In: GECON 2022, 19th International Conference on Economics of Grids,
Clouds, Systems, and Services, LNCS , pp. , Springer, September 2022.
Books Published as Editor
Tserpes, Jörn Altmann, José Ángel Bañares, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda, Karim
Djemame, Vlado Stankovski, Bruno Tuffin “Economics of Grids, Clouds,
Systems, and Services,” 19th International Conference, GECON 2022,
September 13-15, 2022, Izola, Slovenia, Proceedings, LNCS 13430,
Springer International Publishing.
2021 |
Zahid Rashid, Umara Noor, Jörn
Altmann, “Economic Model for Evaluating the Value Creation through
Information Sharing within the Cybersecurity Information Sharing
Ecosystem,“ Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 2021,
Mubarkoot, Jörn Altmann, “Towards Software Compliance Specification and
Enforcement Using TOSCA,” In: GECON 2021, 18th International Conference
on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, LNCS 13072, pp.
168-177, Springer, September 2021.
Kim, Changyeon Jo, Jörn Altmann, Bernhard Egger, “RapidSwap: a
Hierarchical Far Memory,” In: GECON 2021, 18th International Conference
on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, LNCS 13072, pp.
143-151, Springer, September 2021.
Mellaoui, Richard Posso, Yodit Gebrealif, Erik Bock, Jörn Altmann,
Hyenyoung Yoon, “Knowledge Management Framework for Cloud Federation,”
In: GECON 2021, 18th International Conference on Economics of Grids,
Clouds, Systems, and Services, LNCS 13072, pp. 123-132, Springer,
September 2021.
Gebrealif, Mohammed Mubarkoot, Jörn Altmann, Bernhard Egger,
“Architecture for Orchestrating Containers in Cloud Federations,” In:
GECON 2021, 18th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds,
Systems, and Services, LNCS 13072, pp. 66-75, Springer, September 2021.
Kabalisa, Jörn Altmann, “AI Technologies and Motives for AI Adoption by
Countries and Firms: A Systematic Literature Review,” In: GECON 2021,
18th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems,
and Services, LNCS 13072, pp. 39-51, Springer, September 2021.
Gebrealif, Mubarkoot Mohammed, Jörn Altmann, Bernhard Egger, “AI-Based
Container Orchestration for Federated Cloud Environments,” In: FRAME
2021, Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the
Edge, ACM, June 2021.
- Mubarkoot
Mohammed, Jörn Altmann, “Software Compliance in different Industries: A
Systematic Literature Review,” CIISR 2021, International Workshop on
Current Compliance Issues in Information Systems Research, March 2021.
Books Published as Editor
Tserpes, Jörn Altmann, José Ángel Bañares, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda, Karim
Djemame, Vlado Stankovski, Bruno Tuffin “Economics of Grids, Clouds,
Systems, and Services,” 18th International Conference, GECON 2021,
September 21-23, 2021, Virtual, Proceedings, LNCS 13072, Springer
International Publishing.
2020 |
Lee, Jungsub Yoon, Jörn Altmann, Jeong-Dong Lee, “Model for identifying
firm’s product innovation dynamics: Applied to the case of the Korean
mobile phone industry,“ Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,
Taylor & Francis, https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2020.1813271,
Noor, Zahid Angwar, Zahid Rashid, Jörn Altmann, “Customer-Oriented
Ranking of Cyber Threat Intelligence Service Providers,“ Electronic
Commerce Research and Applications, Elsevier, 2020.
Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Platform Provider Roles in Innovation in Software
Service Ecosystems,“ IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,
https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2019.2949023, 2020.
Sultanov, Jörn Altmann, “Bridging Education Services and Consumer
Expectations Through Reusable Learning Objects,” In: GECON 2020, 17th
International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and
Services, LNCS 12441, pp. 206-210, Springer, September, 2020.
Haberling, Jakob Laurisch, Jörn Altmann, “South Korea as the Role Model
for Covid-19 Policies? An Analysis of the Effect of Government
Policies on Infection Chain Structures,” In: GECON 2020, 17th
International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and
Services, LNCS 12441, pp. 104-114, Springer, September, 2020.
Authored Book Chapters
Altmann, Ram Govinda Aryal, “Economic Models for Federated Clouds: An
Extension of Cost Models for Cloud Deployments,” In: Advances in Digital
Business and Key Enabling Technologies: Measuring the Business Value of
Cloud Computing, Series: Palgrave Studies in Digital Business &
Enabling Technologies, Palgrave, 2020.
Books Published as Editor
Djemame, Jörn Altmann, José Ángel Bañares, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda, Vlado
Stankovski, Bruno Tuffin (Eds.), “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems,
and Services,” 17th International Conference, GECON 2020, September
15-17, 2020, Proceedings, LNCS 12441, Springer International Publishing.
2019 |
Kim, Jörn Altmann, Wonjoon Kim, “On the time lag of the effect of
network position on service performance in software service networks,“
Information and Management 56(7): 103149-103160,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2019.02.004, November 2019.
Sørlie, Jörn Altmann, “Sensing as a Service Revisited: A Property
Rights Enforcement and Pricing Model for IIoT Data Marketplaces,“ In:
GECON 2019, 16th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds,
Systems, and Services, LNCS 11113, pp. 127-139, Springer, Leeds, UK,
September 2019.
Govinda Aryal, Jamie Marshall, Jörn Altmann, “Architecture and Business
Logic Specification for Dynamic Cloud Federations,” In: GECON 2019,
16th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems,
and Services, LNCS 11113, pp. 83-96, Springer, Leeds, UK, September
Books Published as Editor
Karim Djemame, Jörn Altmann, José Ángel Bañares, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda, Maurizio Naldi (Eds.), “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,” 16th International Conference, GECON 2019, September 17-19, 2019, Proceedings, LNCS 11819, Springer International Publishing.
M. Coppola, E. Carlini, D. D’Agostino, J. Altmann, J.Á. Bañares, (Eds.), “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,” 15th International Conference, GECON 2018, September 18-20, 2018, Proceedings, LNCS 11113, Springer International Publishing.
2018 |
Shim, Seung Wan Kim, J. Altmann, Yong Tae Yoon, Jin Gyo Kim, “Key
Features of Electric Vehicle Diffusion and Its Impact on the Korean
Power Market,” Sustainability 10(6): 1941,
https://doi.org/10.3390/su10061941, MDPI, June 2018.
Shim, Seung Wan Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Strategic Management of Residential
Electric Services in the Competitive Market: Demand-Oriented
Perspective,” Energy and Environment 29(1): 49-66,
https://doi.org/10.1177/0958305X17740234, Sage, February 2018.
Omer Gibreel, Dhari A. AlOtaibi, Jörn Altmann, “Social Commerce Development in Emerging Markets“,
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 27: 152-162,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elerap.2017.12.008, Elsevier, January-February
Netsanet Haile, Jörn Altmann, “Evaluating Investments in Portability and Interoperability between Software Service Platforms“, Future Generation Computer Systems 78(1): 224-241, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2017.04.040, Elsevier, January 2018.
Invited Journal Publications
Altmann, José Ángel Bañares, Ion Petri, “Economics of Computing
Services: A Literature Survey about Technologies for an Economy of
Fungible Cloud Services,” Future Generation Computer Systems 87,
828-830, Elsevier, October 2018.
José Ángel Bañares, Jörn Altmann, “Economics Behind ICT Infrastructure Management“, Electronic Markets 28(1): 7–9, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-018-0288-3, Springer, February 2018.
Sultanov, Kibae Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Snooping around a Fence: A Lesson
from the Education Sector in a Software Service Ecosystem,“ In: GECON
2018, 15th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds,
Systems, and Services, LNCS 11113, pp. 66-76, Springer, Pisa, Italy,
September 2018.
Rashid, Umara Noor, Jörn Altmann, “Network Externalities in
Cybersecurity Information Sharing Ecosystems,“ In: GECON 2018, 15th
International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and
Services, LNCS 11113, pp. 116-125, Springer, Pisa, Italy, September
Lombardo Gava, Kibae Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Influence on Sharing Public
Data on Shaping Private Businesses,” SMS 2018, Strategic Management
Society Special Conference, Oslo, June 2018.
Ram Govinda Aryal, Jörn Altmann, “Dynamic Application Deployment in Federations of Clouds and Edge Resources Using a Multiobjective Optimization AI Algorithm,”
FMEC 2018, 3rd Intl Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE,
https://doi.org/10.1109/FMEC.2018.8364057, Barcelona, April 2018.
Hyejin Lee, Jörn Altmann, “Service Classification Scheme for Platform Businesses,” MKWI, Proceedings of Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Lüneburg, March 2018.
2017 |
Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighia, Jörn Altmann, “How Organizational Structure Affects Organizational Learning,” Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 21(1): 43-60, DOI 10.3233/jid-2017-0006, IOS Press, November 2017.
Kibae Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Effect of Homophily on Network Formation,“ Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 44, 482-494, Elsevier, March 2017.
Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Innovation in a Dynamic Technology Landscape:
Re-Visiting Knowledge-Based Views,” Strategic Management Society Special
Conference 2017, Costa Rica, December 2017.
Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Innovation in a Dynamic Technology Landscape,” in
Innovation/Entrepreneurship, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, 22-25.
October 2017.
Altmann, Baseem Al-Athwari, Emanuele Carlini, Massimo Coppola, Patrizio
Dazzi, Ana Juan Ferrer, Netsanet Haile, Yeong-Woo Jung, Jamie Marshall,
Enric Pages, E. Psomakelis, Ganis Zulfa Santoso, Konstantinous Tserpes,
John Violos, “BASMATI: An Architecture for Managing Cloud and Edge
Resources for Mobile Users,” GECON 2017, 14th International Conference
on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, Springer, LNCS,
Biarritz, France, September 2017.
Juan Pablo Romero Coronado, Jörn Altmann, “Model for Incentivizing Cloud Service Federation,”
GECON 2017, 14th International Conference on Economics of Grids,
Clouds, Systems, and Services, Springer, LNCS, Biarritz, France,
September 2017.
Ram Govinda Aryal, Jörn Altmann, “Fairness in Revenue Sharing for Stable Cloud Federations,”
GECON 2017, 14th International Conference on Economics of Grids,
Clouds, Systems, and Services, Springer, LNCS, Biarritz, France,
September 2017.
Violos, Vinicius Monteiro de Lira, Patrizio Dazzi, Jörn Altmann, Baseem
Al-Athwari, Antonia Schwichtenberg, Young-Woo Jung, Theodora
Varvarigou, Konstantinos Tserpes, “User Behavior and Application Modeling in Decentralized Edge Cloud Infrastructures,”
GECON 2017, 14th International Conference on Economics of Grids,
Clouds, Systems, and Services, Springer, LNCS, Biarritz, France,
September 2017.
Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighi, Jörn Altmann, Konstantinous Tserpes, “Social Analytics Framework for Intelligent Information Systems Based on a Complex Adaptive Systems Approach,” WI 2017, International Conference on Web Intelligence, Leipzig, Germany, August 2017.
Koohborfardhaghighi, Juan Pablo Romero Coronado, Sira Maliphol, YuLin
Liu, Jörn Altmann, “How Bounded Rationality of Individuals in Social
Interactions Impacts Evolutionary Dynamics of Cooperation,” WI 2017,
International Conference on Web Intelligence, Leipzig, Germany, August
Zulfa Santoso, Young-Woo Jung, Seong-Woo Seok, Emanuele Carlini,
Patrizio Dazzi, Jörn Altmann, John Violos, and Jamie Marshall, “Dynamic Resource Selection in Cloud Service Broker,” HPCS 2017, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, July 2017, Genoa, Italy.
Antonios Makris, Konstantinos Tserpes, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos, Jörn Altmann, “Load balancing for minimizing the average response time of get operations in distributed key-value stores,“ ICNSC 2017, 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, May 2017, Calabria, Italy.
Books and Book Chapters
C. Pham, J. Altmann, J. A. Banares (Eds.), “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,” 14th International Conference, GECON 2017, September 19-21, 2017, Proceedings, LNCS, Springer International Publishing.
José Ángel Bañares, Konstantinos Terpes, Jörn Altmann, (Eds.), “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,”
13th International Conference, GECON 2016, September 20-22, 2016,
Revised Selected Papers, LNCS, Springer International Publishing.
Jörn Altmann, Almas Heshmati, Baseem Al-Athwari, “Evaluation of E-Infrastructure Deployment in OECD and MENA Countries,“ in: Ewa Lechman, Harleen Kaur, Adam Marszk (EDs.), Catalyzing development through ICT adoption: the developing world experience, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-56522-4, 2017.
2016 |
Dongnyok Shim, Jörn Altmann, “How Marginally Does Impulse Buying Intention Change in Social Commerce? Nonparametric Regression Approach,“ Global Media Journal 14(27), 2016.
Dongnyok Shim, Jin Gyo Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Strategic
management of R&D and marketing integration for multi-dimensional
success of new product development: An empirical investigation in Korean
ICT industry,“ Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Taylor & Francis, DOI:10.1080/19761597.2016.1253023, 2016.
Dongnyok Shim, Jin Gyo Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Identifying Key Drivers and Bottlenecks in the Adoption of E-Book Readers in Korea,“ Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier. 2016.
Altmann, Emanuele Carlini, Massimo Coppola, Patrizio Dazzi, Ana Juan
Ferrer, Netsanet Haile, Young-Woo Jung, Dong-Jae Kang, Iain-James
Marshall, Konstantinos Tserpes, Theodora Varvarigou, “BASMATI - A Brokerage Architecture on Federated Clouds for Mobile Applications,“ CGW 2016, 16 International Workshop, Krakow, Poland, October 2016.
Azamat Uzbekov, Jörn Altmann, “System Architecture for Enabling Business-Preference-Based Scheduling of Cloud Computing Resources,“ 13th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, Springer, LNCS, Athens, Greece, September, 2016.
Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighi, Jörn Altmann, “How Strategic Networking Impacts the Networking Outcome: A Complex Adaptive System Approach,“ ICEC 2016, 18th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Seoul, South-Korea, August 2016.
Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighi, Jörn Altmann, “How
Network Visibility and Strategic Networking Leads to the Emergence of
Certain Network Characteristics: A Complex Adaptive System Approach,“ ICEC 2016, 18th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Seoul, South-Korea, August 2016.
Books and Book Chapters
Neuburger, Jörn Altmann, Thomas Bendig, Birgit Gebhardt, Thomas Götz,
Stefan Hopf, Ulrich Klotz, Insa Knickrehm, Susanne Knüspert, Heidi
Lombardi, Elena Obiols, Alexander Pauls, Christoph Peters, Arnold Picot,
Thomas Sattelberger, Axel Schack, Heike Schröder, Andreas Skuin, Julian
Sußmann, Kristian W. Tangermann, Bernd Wiemann, Thomas Zimmerer,
“Chancen reflektiert wahrnehmen in einer digitalisiert-vernetzten
Lebens- und Arbeitswelt,“ Positionspapier 2016 des MÜNCHNER
KREIS-Arbeitskreises, „Arbeit in der digitalen Welt“ auf der Basis eines
Expertenworkshops, 07.07.2016, Berlin, Germany.
Jörn Altmann, Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi, Omer F. Rana (Eds.), “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,“
12th International Conference, GECON 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
September 15-17, 2015, LNCS, Springer International Publishing, DOI
10.1007/978-3-319-43177-210.1007/978-3-319-43177-2, 2016.
2015 |
Yeongjun Yeo, Dongnyok Shim, Jeong-Dong Lee, Jörn Altmann, “Driving Forces of CO2 Emissions in Emerging Countries: LMDI Decomposition Analysis on China and India’s Residential Sector,“ Sustainability, 7(12), 16108-16129. 2015.
Netsanet Haile, Jörn Altmann, “Structural Analysis of Value Creation in Software Service Platforms,“
Electronic Markets, 26(2),129-142, The International Journal on
Networked Business, Springer, DOI:10.1007/s12525-015-0208-8, 2015.
Netsanet Haile, Jörn Altmann, “Value Creation in Software Service Platforms,“
Future Generation Computer Systems, The International Journal of Grid
Computing and eScience, Elsevier, DOI:10.1016/j.future.2015.09.029,
Selam Abrham Gebregiorgis, Jörn Altmann, “IT Service Platforms: Their Value Creation Model and the Impact of their Level of Openness on their Adoption,“ Procedia Computer Science, Volume 68, pages 173-187, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.09.233, 2015.
Jeferry, George Kousiouris, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Jörn Altmann, Augusto
Ciuffoletti, Ilias Maglogiannis, Paolo Nesi, Bojan Suzic, Zhiming Zhao,
“Challenges emerging from future cloud application scenarios,“ Procedia Computer Science, Volume 68, pages 227-237, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.09.238, 2015.
Baseem Al-Athwari, Jörn Altmann, “Utility-Based Smartphone Energy Consumption Optimization for Cloud-Based and On-Device Application Uses,“
12th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems,
and Services, Springer, LNCS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September, 2015.
Kibae Kim, “Evolution of the Global Knowledge Network: Network Analysis of Information and Communication Technologies’ Patents,“
In: 12th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds,
Systems, and Services, Springer, LNCS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September
Netsanet Haile, Jörn Altmann, “Risk-Benefit-Mediated Impact of Determinants on the Adoption of Cloud Federation,“ I: 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), AIS Electronic Library, Singapore, July 2015.
Books and Book Chapters
Jörn Altmann, Kurt Vanmechelen, Omer F. Rana (Eds.), “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,“
11th International Conference, GECON 2014, Cardiff, UK, September
16-18, 2014, LNCS, Springer International Publishing, DOI
10.1007/978-3-319-14609-6, 2015.
Almas Heshmati, Shahrouz Abolhosseini, Jörn Altmann “The Development of Renewable Energy Sources and its Significance for the Environment,“ Springer-Verlag Singapur, DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-462-7, 2015.
2014 |
Jörn Altmann, Mohammad Mahdi Kashef, “Cost Model Based Service Placement in Federated Hybrid Clouds,“
Future Generation Computer Systems, The International Journal of Grid
Computing and eScience, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2014.08.014,
Kibae Kim, Wool-Rim Lee, Jörn Altmann, “SNA-Based Innovation Trend Analysis in Software Service Networks,“ Zeitschrift: Electronic Markets, vol. 25, issue 1, pp. 61-72 DOI: 10.1007/s12525-014-0164-8,2015.
A. Martínez, M. Yannuzzi, V. Lopez, D. López, W. Ramírez, X. Masip-Bruin, R. Serral-Gracià, M. Maciejewski, J. Altmann, “Network Management Challenges and Trends in Multi-Layer and Multi-Vendor Settings for Carrier-Grade Networks,“ IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2014.
Kim, Songhee Kang, Jörn Altmann, “Goliath vs. a Federation of Davids: A
Two-Sided Market Analysis of Competition between Clouds,“ In: Jörn
Altmann, K. Vanmechelen, O.F. Rana (Eds.), GECON 2014, LNCS 8914,
pp.45-56. Springer, Switzerland, 2014.
Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighi, Jörn Altmann, “How Variability in Individual Patterns of Behavior Changes the Structural Properties of Networks,“ WIC 2014, International Conference on Active Media Technology at Web Intelligence Congress, Warsaw, Poland, August 2014.
Sodam Baek, Kibae Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Role of Platform Providers in Service Networks: The Case of Salesforce.com AppExchange,“ CBI 2014, 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2014.
Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighi, Jörn Altmann, “A Network Formation Model for Social Object Networks,“ LISS 2014, International Conference on Logistics, Informatics, and Services Sciences, Berkeley, USA, July 2014.
Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighi, Jörn Altmann, “How Structural Changes in Complex Networks Impact Organizational Learning Performance,“
In the proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Emergent
Intelligence on Networked Agents (WEIN 2014), Paris, France, May 2014.
Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighi, Jörn Altmann, “How Placing Limitations on the size of Personal Networks changes the Structural properties of Complex Networks,“ In the proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Communities, Seoul, Korea, April 2014.
2013 |
Kibae Kim, Jörn Altmann, “Evolution of the Software-as-a-Service Innovation System through Collective Intelligence,“ International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, vol. 22, no. 3, DOI: 10.1142/S0218843013400066, September 2013.
Juseuk Kim, Lynn Ilon, Jörn Altmann, “Adapting Smartphones as Learning Technology in a Korean University,“ Transactions of the SDPS, Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 2013.
Ivan Breskovic, Jörn Altmann, Ivona Brandic, “Creating Standardized Products for Electronic Markets,“
Future Generation Computer Systems, The International Journal of Grid
Computing and eScience, Elsevier, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1000-1011,ISSN
0167-739X,June 2013.
Mohammad Hassan, Jörn Altmann, “Disjoint Paths Pair Computation Procedure for SDH/SONET Networks,“
In the proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software,
Telecommunication, and Computer Networks (SoftCom 2013), Split, Croatia,
September 2013.
Mohammad Hassan, Jörn Altmann, “Business
Impact Analysis of a Mediator between the Network Management Systems of
the Network Management Systems of the IP/MPLS Network and the Transport
Network,“ In the proceedings of the 15th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, Hiroshima, Japan, September 2013.
Netsanet Haile,Jörn Altmann, “Estimating the Value Obtained from Using a Software Service Platform,“ In: Jörn Altmann, K. Vanmechelen, O.F. Rana (Eds.), GECON 2013, LNCS 8193, pp.244-255. Springer, Switzerland, September 2013.
M. Chamania, A. Jukan, M. Yannuzzi, X. Masip-Bruin, V. Lopez, O.
Gonzalez, M. Maciejewski, M. Roth, C. Brunn, Jörn Altmann, “Towards Automated Interactions between the Internet and the Carrier-Grade Management Ecosystems,“ In the proceedings of Future Network and MobileSummit 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, 03 - 05 July 2013.
Kibae Kim, Wool-Rim Lee, Jörn Altmann, “Patterns of Innovation in SaaS Networks: Trend Analysis of Node Centralities,“ ECIS 2013, The European Conference of Information Systems, Utrecht, Netherlands, June 2013.
Mohammad Mahdi Kashef, Azamat Uzbekov, Jörn Altmann, Matthias Hovestadt, “Comparison of Two Yield Management Strategies for Cloud Service Providers,“ GPC 2013, 8th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, Daegu, Korea, May 2013.
Baseem Al-Athwari, Jörn Altmann, Almas Heshmati, “A Conceptual Model and Methodology for Evaluating E-Infrastructure Deployment and Its Application to OECD and MENA Countries,“ IAMOT 2013, International Conference on Management of Technology, Porto Alegre, Brazil, April 2013.
Ivan Breskovic, Ivona Brandic, Jörn Altmann, “Maximizing Liquidity in Cloud Markets through Standardization of Computational Resources,“ SOSE 2013, International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, San Jose, USA, March 2013.
Books and Book Chapters
Kurt Vanmechelen, Jörn Altmann, Omer F. Rana, Jose Angel Bañares, “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,“
10th International Conference, GECON 2013, Zaragoza, Spain, September
18-20, 2013, Proceedings, Springer International Publishing, DOI
10.1007/978-3-319-02414-1, 2013.
2012 |
Juthasit Rohitratana, Jörn Altmann, “Impact of Pricing Schemes on a Market for Software-as-a-Service and Perpetual Software,“
Future Generation Computer Systems, The International Journal of Grid
Computing and eScience, Elsevier, vol.28, no.8, pp.1328-1339,
doi:10.1016/j.future.2012.03.019, October 2012.
Netsanet Haile, Jörn Altmann, “Value Creation in IT Service Platforms through Two-Sided Network Effects,“ In: Jörn Altmann, K. Vanmechelen, O.F. Rana (Eds.), GECON 2012, LNCS pp.139-153, Springer, Berlin, Germany, November 2012.
Soyoung Kim, Junseok Hwang, Jörn Altmann, “Dynamic Scenarios of Trust Establishment in the Public Cloud Service Market,“ CLOUD COMPUTING 2012, Third International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization, Nice, France, July 2012.
Lynn Ilon, Jörn Altmann, “Using Collective Adaptive Networks to Solve Education Problems in Poor Countries,“
SDPS 2012, Conference of the Society for Design and Process Science -
Technology of Complex Systems, Berlin, Germany, June 2012.
Juseuk Kim, Jörn Altmann, Lynn Ilon, “Using Smartphone Apps for Learning in a major Korean University,“
SDPS 2012, Conference of the Society for Design and Process Science -
Technology of Complex Systems, Berlin, Germany, June 2012.
A. M. Hassan, Jörn Altmann, Victor López, “Control Plane Framework Emergence and its Deployment Cost Estimation,“ Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE 2012), June, 2012.
Yannuzi, A. Jukan, X. Masip-Bruin, M. Chamania, R. Serral-Gracia, V.
Lopez, O. Gonzalez de Dios, A. Azañon, M. Maciejewski, C. Brunn, M.
Roth, Jörn Altmann, “The Internet and Transport Network Management Ecosystems: A Roadmap Toward Convergence,“ Optical Networking Design and Modeling (ONDM 2012), April 2012.
Bany Mohammed, Jörn Altmann, Martina Meschke, “A Classification Scheme
for Characterizing Service Networks,“ Proceedings of Multikonferenz
Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI, 2012.
Books and Book Chapters
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, L. T. Yang, “w-TG: A Combined Algorithm to Optimize the Runtime of the Grid-Based Workflow Within an SLA Context,“
in Soha Maad, “Grid Computing - Technology and Applications, Widespread
Coverage and New Horizons,“ ISBN 978-953-51-0604-3, May 2012.
Kurt Vanmechelen, Jörn Altmann, Omer F. Rana, “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,“ 9th International Conference, GECON 2012, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2012
2011 |
Michael Maurer, Vincent C. Emeakaroha, Ivona Brandic, Jörn Altmann, “Cost-Benefit Analysis of an SLA Mapping Approach for Defining Standardized Cloud Computing Goods,“
Future Generation Computer Systems, The International Journal of Grid
Computing and eScience, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.future.2011.05.023,
A. Abbasi, Jörn Altmann, L. Hossain, “Identifying
the Effects of Co-Authorship Networks on the Performance of Scholars: A
Correlation and Regression Analysis of Performance Measures and Social
Network Analysis Measures,“ Journal of Informetrics, Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2011.05.007, 2011.
Mahdi M. Kashef, Jörn Altmann, “A Cost Model for Hybrid Clouds,“
GECON2011, 8th International Workshop on Economics of Grids, Clouds,
Systems, and Services, Springer LNCS, Paphos, Cyprus, December 2011.
Ivan Breskovic, Michael Maurer, Vincent C. Emeakaroha, Ivona Brandic, Jörn Altmann, “Achieving Market Liquidity through Autonomic Cloud Market Management,“ Special issue on Cloud Computing and Service Science, Springer LNCS, September 2011.
Jörn Altmann, Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, “Business Support Service Platform for Providers in Open Cloud Computing Markets,“ INC2011, IEEE 7th International Conference on Networked Computing, Gumi, South-Korea, September 2011.
M. Yannuzzi, X. Masip-Bruin, O. Gonzalez de Dios, C. Garcıa Argos, M. Maciejewskiz, Jörn Altmann, “Bridging the Interoperability Gap Between the Internet and Optical Network Management Systems,“
NOCOC&I2011, 16th European Conference on Networks and Optical
Communications (NOC 2011) and 6th Conference on Optical Cabling and
Infrastructure (OC&I 2011), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, July 2011.
Kibae Kim, Jörn Altmann, “A Complex Network Analysis of the Weighted Graph of the Web2.0 Service Network,“
In: Jörn Altmann, U. Baumöl, & B. J. Krämer (Eds.), Advances in
Collective Intelligence(pp. 79–90),Springer,Berlin,Heidelberg,2011.
Ivan Breskovic, Michael Maurer, Vincent C. Emeakaroha, Ivona Brandic, Jörn Altmann, “Towards Autonomic Market Management in Cloud Computing Infrastructures,“ CLOSER2011, International Conference of Cloud Computing and Service Science, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, May 2011.
K. Swe Latt, Jörn Altmann, “A Cost-Benefit-Based Analytical Model for Finding the Optimal Offering of Software Services,“ WI2011, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2011.
Kibae Kim, Jörn Altmann, Junseok Hwang, “An
Analysis of the Openness of the Web2.0 Service Network Using Two Sets
of Indices for Measuring the Impact of Service Ownership,“ HICSS44, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Koloa, Hawaii, USA, January 2011.
A. Abbasi, Jörn Altmann, “On the Correlation between Research Performance and Social Network Analysis Measures Applied to Scholars Collaboration Networks,“ HICSS44, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Koloa, Hawaii, USA, January 2011.
Books and Book Chapters
Kurt Vanmechelen, Jörn Altmann, Omer F. Rana, “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,“ 8th International Workshop, GECON 2011, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, December 2011.
Jörn Altmann, U. Baumöl, B. Krämer (Eds.), “Advances in Collective Intelligence 2011,“ Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 113, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-25321-8, 2011.
2010 |
A. Bany Mohammed, Jörn Altmann, “A Funding and Governing Model for Achieving Sustainable Growth of Computing e-Infrastructures,“ Annals of Telecommunications, Springer, 2010.
Jörn Altmann, C. Courcoubetis, M. Risch, “A Marketplace and its Market Mechanism for Trading Commoditized Computing Resources,“ Annals of Telecommunications, Springer, 2010.
A. Abbasi, Jörn Altmann, J. Hwang, “Evaluating
Scholars Based on Their Academic Collaboration Activities: Two Indices,
the RC-Index and the CC-Index, for Quantifying Collaboration Activities
of Researchers and Scientific Communities,“ Scientometrics, vol.83, no.1, pp.1-13, Springer, April 2010.
M. Maurer, V. C. Emeakaroha, I. Brandic, Jörn Altmann, “Cost and Benefit of the SLA Mapping Approach for Defining Standardized Goods in Cloud Computing Markets,“ UCC 2010, International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Chennai, India, December 2010.
J. Rohitratana, Jörn Altmann, “Agent-Based Simulations of the Software Market under Different Pricing Schemes for Software-as-a-Service and Perpetual Software,“
GECON 2010, Workshop on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and
Services, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 6269,
Ischia, Italy, August 2010.
F. Zifa, Jörn Altmann, “An Empirically Validated Framework for Limiting Free-Riding in P2P Networks Through the Use of Social Network Information,“ PACIS 2010, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2010.
K. Kim, Jörn Altmann, J. Hwang, “Measuring
and Analyzing the Openness of the Web2.0 Service Network for Improving
the Innovation Capacity of the Web2.0 System through Collective
Intelligence,“ COLLIN 2010, Symposium on Collective
Intelligence, Springer Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,
Hagen, Germany, April 2010.
A. Abbasi, Jörn Altmann, “A Social Network System for Analyzing Publication Activities of Researchers,“
COLLIN 2010, Symposium on Collective Intelligence, Springer Advances in
Intelligent and Soft Computing, Hagen, Germany, April 2010.
K. Kim, Jörn Altmann, J. Hwang, “The Impact of the Subgroup Structure on the Evolution of Networks - An Economic Model of Network Evolution,“
NetSciCom2010, IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for
Communication Networks, in conjunction with IEEE Infocom 2010, San
Diego, USA, March 2010.
J. Hwang, J. Park, Jörn Altmann, “Two Risk-Aware Resource Brokering Strategies in Grid Computing: Broker-Driven vs. User-Driven Methods,“ ICISTM 2010, International Conference on Information Systems, Technology and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2010.
Jörn Altmann, J. Rohitratana, “Software
Resource Management Considering the Interrelations between Explicit
Cost, Energy Consumption, and Implicit Cost: A Decision Support Model
for IT Managers,“ MKWI 2010, Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, IT Resource Management, Göttingen, Germany, February 2010.
Books and Book Chapters
Jörn Altmann, O. F. Rana, “Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services,“ 7th International Workshop, GECON 2010, LNCS 6296, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2010.
2009 |
J. Hwang, Jörn Altmann, K. Kim, “The Structural Evolution of the Web 2.0 Service Network,“ Online Information Review, vol.33, no.6, December 2009.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, L.T. Yang, “Improving the Capability of the SLA Workflow Broker with Parallel Processing Technology,“ International Journal of Computer Systems, Science, and Engineering, vol.24, no.5, pp.15-28, September 2009.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, “Grid Business Models for Brokers Executing SLA-Based Workflows,“ In: Rajkumar Buyya, Kris Bubendorfer, “Market-Oriented Grid and Utility Computing,“ Wiley, New York, USA, August 2009.
Dang Minh Quan, Odej Kao, Jörn Altmann, “Concepts and Algorithms of Mapping Grid-Based Workflow to Resources within an SLA Context,“
in Venky Shankararaman, J. Leon Zhao, Jae Kyu Lee, Business Process
Management: Concepts, Technologies and Applications, M.E Sharpe, 2009.
Jörn Altmann, A. Abbasi, J. Hwang, “Evaluating the Productivity of Researchers and their Communities: The RP-Index and the CP-Index,“ International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, ISSN:0972-9038, vol.6, no.2, March 2009.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, “Resource Allocation Algorithm for the Light Communication Grid-Based Workflows within an SLA Context,“ International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, vol.24, no.1, February 2009.
M. Risch, I. Brandic, Jörn Altmann, “Using SLA Mapping to Increase Market Liquidity,“
NFPSLAM-SOC 2009, 3rd Workshop on Non-Functional Properties and SLA
Management in Service-Oriented Computing, in conjunction with ICSOC
2009, 7th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 6275, Stockholm,
Schweden, November 2009.
M. Risch, Jörn Altmann, “Enabling Open Cloud Markets Through WS-Agreement Extensions,“
Service Level Agreements in Grids Workshop, in conjunction with
GRID2009, CoreGRID Springer Series, Banff, Canada, October 2009.
M. Risch, Jörn Altmann, L. Guo, A. Fleming, C. Courcoubetis, “The GridEcon Platform: A Business Scenario Testbed for Commercial Cloud Services,“
GECON 2009, Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Delft, Netherlands, August
J. Hwang, Jörn Altmann, A. Bany Mohammed, “Determinants of Participation in Global Volunteer Grids: A Cross-Country Analysis,“
GECON 2009, Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Delft, Netherlands, August
R. Davoyan, Jörn Altmann, W. Effelsberg, “Intercarrier Compensation in Unilateral and Bilateral Arrangements,“ IEEE ICCCN 2009, 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, San Francisco, USA, August 2009.
R. Davoyan, Jörn Altmann, W. Effelsberg, “Exploring the Effect of Traffic Differentiation on Interconnection Cost Sharing,“ ICOMP 2009, International Conference on Internet Computing, Las Vegas, USA, July 2009.
R. Davoyan, Jörn Altmann, “Investigating the Role of a Transmission Initiator in Private Peering Arrangements,“ IFIP/IEEE IM 2009, International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, New York, USA, June 2009.
M. Risch, Jörn Altmann, “Capacity Planning in Economic Grid Markets,“
GPC 2009, 4th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5529, Geneva, Switzerland, May
R. Davoyan, Jörn Altmann, W. Effelsberg, “A New Bilateral Arrangement between Interconnected Providers,“
ICQT 2009, 6th International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS
Technologies,Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5539,
Aachen, Germany, May 2009.
Jörn Altmann, Z. Bedane, “A P2P File Sharing Network Topology Formation Algorithm Based on Social Network Information,“
NetSciCom2009, IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for
Communication Networks, in conjunction with IEEE Infocom 2009, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.
Books and Book Chapters
D. Neumann, M. Baker, Jörn Altmann, O. Rana, “Economic Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems,“ Birkhäuser, Autonomic Systems Series, ISBN 978-3-7643-8896-6, Switzerland, October 2009.
Jörn Altmann, O. F. Rana, R. Buyya, “Grid Economics and Business Models,“ 6th International Workshop, Gecon 2009, LNCS 5745, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2009.
D. M. Quan. Jörn Altmann, L. T. Yang, “Error Recovery for SLA-Based Workflows within the Business Grid,“
in: Kuan-Ching Li, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Jack
Dongarra, Hans Zima, Handbook of Research on Scalable Computing
Technologies, IGI Global, 2009.
2008 |
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, L.T. Yang, “Optimizing the Execution Time of the SLA-Based Workflow in the Grid with Parallel Processing Technology,“ IEEE APSCC 2008, Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, Yilan, Taiwan, December 2008.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, L.T. Yang, “Mapping Light Communication SLA-Based Workflows onto Grid Resources with Parallel Processing Technology,“
IEEE ISPA 2008, International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Parallel Processing with Application, Sydney, Australia, December 2008.
R. Davoyan, Jörn Altmann, “Investigating the Influence of Market Shares on Interconnection Settlements,“ Globecom 2008, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, New Orleans, USA, November 2008.
M. Risch, Jörn Altmann, Y. Makrypoulias, S. Soursos, “Economics-Aware Capacity Planning for Commercial Grids,“ e-challenges 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2008.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, “Asymmetric Information Issues and Solutions for the Broker Executing SLA-based Workflows,“ e-challenges 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2008.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, L. T. Yang, “Mapping Heavy Communication SLA-based Workflows onto Grid Resources with Parallel Processing Technology,“ HPCC 2008, Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, Dalian, China, September 2008.
M. Risch, Jörn Altmann, “Cost Analysis of Current Grids and its Implications for Future Grid Markets,“ GECON 2008, Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Springer LNCS, Las Palmas, Spain, August 2008.
Jörn Altmann, C. Courcoubetis, G. D. Stamoulis, M. Dramitinos, T. Rayna, M. Risch, C. Bannink, “GridEcon - A Market Place for Computing Resources,“ GECON 2008, Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Springer LNCS, Las Palmas, Spain, August 2008.
R. Davoyan, Jörn Altmann, “Real-Time Market Model for Pricing Differentiated Services,“
ICNS2008, 4th International Conference on Networking and Services,
p.134-140, IEEE Computer Society Press, Gosier, Guadeloupe, March 2008.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, “Bilateral Bargaining Game and Fuzzy Logic in a System Handling SLA-Based Workflows,“
WAMIS 2008, Workshop at AINA 2008, IEEE 22nd International Conference
on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Ginowan, Okinawa,
Japan, March 2008.
A. Bany Mohammed, Jörn Altmann, J. Hwang, “Cloud Computing Value Chains: Understanding Business and Value Creation in the Cloud,“
presented at EMDS 2008, Workshop on Economic Models for Distributed
Systems, in Economic Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems,
Baton Rouge, USA, January 2008, Birkhäuser, Springer, Autonomic Systems
book series, Heidelberg, July 2009.
Books and Book Chapters
Jörn Altmann, D. Neumann, T. Fahringer, “Grid Economics and Business Models,“ 5th International Workshop, Gecon 2008, Springer LNCS 5206, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2008.
2007 |
A. Caracas, Jörn Altmann, “A Pricing Information Service for Grid Computing,“ MGC2007, 5th International Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing, Newport Beach, California, USA, November 2007.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, “Mapping of SLA-Based Workflows with Light Communication onto Grid Resources,“ GSEM 2007, 4th International Conference on Grid Service Engineering and Management,Leipzig, Germany, September 2007.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, “Business Model and the Policy of Mapping Light Communication Grid-Based Workflow within the SLA Context,“ HPCC 2007, High Performance Computation Conference,Houston, USA, September 2007.
Jörn Altmann, C. Courcoubetis, J. Darlington, J. Cohen, “GridEcon – The Economic-Enhanced Next-Generation Internet,“ GECON 2007, Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Springer LNCS, Rennes, France, August 2007.
Jörn Altmann, M. Ion, A. Bany Mohammed, “Taxonomy of Grid Business Models,“ GECON 2007, Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Springer LNCS, Rennes, France, August 2007.
D. M. Quan, Jörn Altmann, “Mapping a Group of Jobs in the Error Recovery of a the Grid-Based Workflow within SLA Context,“
AINA 2007, IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information
Networking and Applications, Niagara Falls, Canada, May 2007.
Books and Book Chapters
Jörn Altmann, D.J. Veit, “Grid Economics and Business Models,“ 4th International Workshop, Gecon 2007, LNCS 4685, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2007.
2006 |
Jörn Altmann, D. Goel, “Economizing ISP Interconnections at Internet Exchange Points,“
IDPT2006, Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, San
Diego, USA, June 2006, published in Transactions of the SDPS, vol. no.,
December 2006.
D.M. Quan, “Error recovery mechanism for Grid-based workflow within SLA context,“ IJHPCN, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 2006.
D.M. Quan and D.F. Hsu, “Network-based resource allocation for Grid Computing within an SLA context,“ GCC 2006, Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, 2006.
Jörn Altmann, S. Routzounis, “Economic Modeling of Grid Services,“ e-Challenges2006, Barcelona, Spain, October 2006.
D.M. Quan, “Mapping heavy communication Workflows onto Grid Resources within SLA context,“
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on High Performance
Computing and Communications (HPCC-06), Munich, Germany, September 2006.
T. Idris, Jörn Altmann, “A Market-Managed Topology Formation Algorithm for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Networks,“ ICQT2006, Workshop on Advanced Internet Charging and QoS Technologies, St. Malo, June 2006.
R. Sampath, Jörn Altmann, “UNIQuE: A User-Centric Framework for Network Identity Management,“ IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, April 2006.
2005 |
2004 |
Burkhard Stiller, K. Almeroth, Jörn Altmann, L. McKnight, M. Ott, “Content Pricing in the Internet,“ Computer Communications, vol.27, pp.522-528, Springer, 2004.
Jörn Altmann, “A Model for Resource Sharing for Internet Data Center Providers within the Grid,“ IEEE GECON2004, International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Seoul, South-Korea, April 2004.
J. Hwang, Jörn Altmann, I. Okumus, P. Aravamudham, “Transaction Management for Sender/Receiver-Payment Schemes in Charging and Accounting Systems for Interconnected Networks,“ IFIP/IEEE NOMS2004, 9th Network Operations and Management Symposium, April 2004.
Books and Book Chapters
2003 |
2002 |
Jörn Altmann, L. Rhodes, “Dynamic Netvalue Analyzer - A Pricing Plan Modeling Tool for ISPs Using Actual Network Usage Data,“
IEEE WECWIS2002, International Workshop on Advance Issues of E-Commerce
and Web-Based Information Systems, Newport Beach, USA, June 2002.
Jörn Altmann, H. Daanen, H. Oliver, A Sánchez-Beato Suárez, “How to Market-Manage a QoS Network,“ IEEE InfoCom2002, Conference on Computer Communications, New York, USA, June 2002.
J. Hwang, Jörn Altmann, H. Oliver, A. Sánchez-Beato Suárez, “Enabling Dynamic Market-Managed QoS Interconnection in the Next Generation Internet by a Modified BGP Mechanism,“ IEEE ICC2002, International Conference on Communications , New York, USA, April 2002.
2001 |
2000 |
Jörn Altmann, B. Rupp, P. Varaiya, “Quality Matters: Some Remarks on Internet Service Provisioning and Tariff Design,“ Telektronikk, October 2000.
K. Chu, Jörn Altmann, “Demand for Different Qualities of Service for Internet Access: A Review of INDEX Findings,“
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London, Series A
(Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences), vol.358, no.1773,
August 2000.
Jörn Altmann, B. Rupp, P. Varaiya, “Effects of Pricing on Internet User Behavior,“ NetNomics, vol.3, no.1, June 2000.
Jörn Altmann, “A Reference Model of Internet Service Provider Businesses,“ ICTEC2000, 3rd International Conference on Telecommunication and Electronic Commerce, Dallas, Texas, USA, November 2000.
Jörn Altmann, “Price Comparison of Internet Services by Software Agents,“ IDPT2000, Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, Dallas, Texas, USA, June 2000.
1999 |
Jörn Altmann, B. Rupp, P. Varaiya, “The Case for Quality of Service on Demand - Empirical Evidence from the INDEX Project,“ ISQE’99, Workshop on Internet Service Quality Economics, Cambridge, MA, USA, December 1999.
Jörn Altmann, B. Rupp, P. Varaiya, “Internet Demand under Different Pricing Schemes,“ EC’99, ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (SIGecomm), Denver, Colorado, USA, November 1999.
Altmann, B. Rupp, P. Varaiya, “Internet User Reactions to Usage-Based
Pricing,“ IEW1999, 2nd Berlin Internet Economics Workshop, Berlin, May
Jörn Altmann, P. Varaiya, “Managing Usage-Based Pricing in a Future Telecommunication Market,“ PAAM’99, Fourth International Conference on Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents, London, April 1999.
1998 |
1997 |
Books and Book Chapters
Jörn Altmann, “A Practically Relevant Approach to System-Level Fault Diagnosis,“ ISBN 3-8265-2455-1, Aachen, Germany, May 1997.
B. Liver, Jörn Altmann, “Social Carrier Recommendation for Selecting Services in Electronic Telecommunication Markets: A preliminary report,“ Technical Report TR-97-033, International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley, CA, 1997.
A. Petri, P. Urban, Jörn Altmann, M. Dal Cin, E. Selinyi, K. Tilly, A. Pataricza, “Constraint-Based Diagnosis Algorithms for Multiprocessors,“ Periodica Polytechnica, Technical University of Budapest,Vol.40,no.1,pp.39-52,1997.
1996 |
Jörn Altmann, T. Bartha, A. Pataricza, A. Petri, P. Urbán, “Constraint Based System-Level Diagnosis of Multiprocessors,“
IEEE EDCC1996, 2nd European Dependable Computing Conference, Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.1150, pp. 403-414,
Taormina, Italy, October 1996.
G. Deconinck, J. Vounckx, R. Lauwereins, Jörn Altmann, F. Balbach, M. Dal Cin, J. G. Silva, H. Madeira, B. Bieker, E. Maehle, “A Scalable Implementation of Fault Tolerance for Massively Parallel Systems,“ IEEE MPCS1996, 2nd International Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems, pp. 205-212, Ischia, Italy, May 1996.
1995 |
Jörn Altmann, T. Bartha, A. Pataricza, “On Integrating Error Detection into a Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Massively Parallel Computers,“ IPDS1995, 1st International Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium, pp. 154-164, Erlangen, Germany, April 1995.
Jörn Altmann, A. Böhm, “Algorithm-Based Fault-tolerant Programming in Scientific Computation on Multiprocessors,“ IEEE PDP 1995, 3rd Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pp. 374-382, Sanremo, Italy, January 1995.
Balbach, Jörn Altmann, M. Dal Cin, B. Bieker, J. Carreira, D. Costa, G.
Deconinck, A. Grigg, A. Hein, J. Vounckx, G. Wendebach, “On the Realisation of a Fault Tolerance Concept for Massively Parallel Systems,“ Internal IMMD III Report, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, September 1995.
1994 |
Deconinck, J. Vounckx, R. Cuyvers, R. Lauwereins, B. Bieker, H.
Willeke, E. Maehle, A. Hein, F. Balbach, Jörn Altmann, M. Dal Cin, H.
Madeira, J.G. Silva, R. Wagner, G. Viehöver, “Fault Tolerance in Massively Parallel Systems,“ Transputer Communications, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 241-257, December 1994.
Jörn Altmann, F. Balbach, A. Hein, “An
Approach for Hierarchical System Level Diagnosis of Massively Parallel
Computers Combined with a Simulation-Based Method for Dependability
Analysis,“ IEEE EDCC1994, 1st European Dependable Computing Conference, Springer LNCS, pp. 371-385, Berlin, Germany, October 1994.
Jörn Altmann, T. Bartha, A. Pataricza, “An Event-Driven Approach to Multiprocessor Diagnosis,“ µP’94, 8th Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Application, pp. 109-118, Budapest, October 1994.
Vounckx, G. Deconinck, R. Lauwereins, G. Viehöver, R. Wagner, H.
Madeira, J.G. Silva, F. Balbach, Jörn Altmann, B. Bieker, H. Willeke, “The FTMPS-Project: Design and Implementation of Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Massively Parallel Systems,“
HPCN1994, Conference on High-Performance Computing and Networking,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 797, Springer Verlag, pp. 401-406,
Munich, April 1994.
1992 |
Dal Cin, A. Hein, Jörn Altmann, F. Balbach, “Systemweite Fehlerdiagnose
für Massiv Parallele Rechner,“ Workshop Pommersfelden, Internal IMMD
III Report, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, October